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August- Nina Schneider received a prize for excellent PhD students at Hadassah.

August- Gene augmentation therapy attenuates retinal degeneration in a knockout mouse model of Fam161a retinitis pigmentosa


March- Congratulation to Sapir Shalom who won a national scientific competition for young scientist. You can see her presentation here

January- A mouse model for FAM161A deficiency reported by Avigail Beryozkin-Munitz et al.


December- Mor Hanany received a PhD degree.

September- "Unique combination of clinical features in a large cohort of 100 patients with retinitis pigmentosa caused by FAM161A mutations" reported by Avigail Beryozkin-Munitz et al.

April- "A unique PRDM13-associated variant in a Georgian Jewish family with probable North Carolina macular dystrophy and the possible contribution of a unique CFH variant" reported by Prasanthi Nambure et al. 

February- "Worldwide carrier frequency and genetic prevalence of autosomal recessive inherited retinal diseases" reported in PNAS by Hanany, Rivolta, and Sharon.



October- "An Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutation in CACNA1F causes retinal phenotype in both hemizygous males and heterozygous female carriers" reported by Adva Kimchi et al. 

June- "The combination of whole-exome sequencing and clinical analysis allows better diagnosis of rare syndromic retinal dystrophies" reported by Alaa Abu-Diab et al. 

August- "TRPM1 Mutations are the Most Common Cause of Autosomal Recessive Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB) in the Palestinian and Israeli Populations" reported by Al-Talbishi et al.

January- "A nationwide genetic analysis of inherited retinal diseases in Israel as assessed by the Israeli inherited retinal disease consortium (IIRDC)" reported by Dror Sharon et al.


December- Mor Hanany accepted as a direct-route PhD student.

October- The Foundation Fighting Blindess (FFB) approved a two-year grant for the Israeli Retinal Degeneration Disease Condortium (IRRDC).

October- The Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) approved a four-year study on the development of gene therapy for RP caused by FAM161A mutations.

June- "Carrier frequency analysis of mutations causing autosomal-recessive-inherited retinal diseases in the Israeli population" reported by Mor Hanany et al.

May- Adva Kimchi et al reported on the genetics of inherited retinal diseases of the Ashkenazi population in the journal Ophthalmology.

April- Mor Hanany et al published a paper on carrier frequency of inherited retinal diseases in the Israeli population. The major conclusion is that 1 out of 3-5 individuals is a carrier of a mutation that can cause a retinal disease.

March- GUCY2D review- Dror Sharon et al published in Prog Retin Eye Res.

February- POC5- a novel gene for syndromic RP by Weisz Hubshman et al.

February- Ayat Khalaileh et al IOVS report on the The Genetics of Usher Syndrome in the Israeli and Palestinian Populations.

January- ARSG- a novel gene for atypical Usher syndrome by Samer Khateb et al.


September- Adva Kimchi presented a poster on genetic and clinical aspects of retinitis pigmentosa in the Ashkenazi Jewish population at the Israeli Medical Geneticists Association meeting and won a prize for an outstanding poster.

June- Adva Kimchi finalised her MSc thesis with Excellency.

June- Samer Khateb won the best young clinician award from the Faculty of Medicine.

May- Adva Kimchi won a travel prize to the 2018 ARVO meeting in Hawaii.

May- IDH3A- Press release here. 

April- The manuscript entitled: "Whole-Exome Sequencing Identifies Biallelic IDH3A Variants as a Cause of Retinitis Pigmentosa Accompanied by Pseudocoloboma" by Pierrache LHM, Kimchi A, Ratnapriya R, Roberts L, Astuti GDN, Obolensky A, Beryozkin A, Tjon-Fo-Sang MJH, Schuil J, Klaver CCW, Bongers EMHF, Haer-Wigman L, Schalij N, Breuning MH, Fischer GM, Banin E, Ramesar RS, Swaroop A, van den Born LI, Sharon D, Cremers FPM, is listed in PubMed (Ophthalmology. 2017 Apr 13. pii: S0161-6420(16)32230-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.03.010. [Epub ahead of print]). Congratulations to Adva Kimchi.

March- Avigail Beryozkin received an EMBO Short travel grant to collaborate with the Wolfrum lab in Mainz, Germany.

March- Mor Hanany received the Gutwirth scholarship for MSc students.


July- Avigail Beryozkin received an "Erasmus+" grant to participate in a the "Animal Models" course in Nijmegen, the Netherlands

April- Avigail Beryozkin received a "Women in Academy" award


Avigail Beryozkin received an Hadassah fellowship for excellent students

Samer Khateb received a travel grant for an excellent presentation at the ISVER meeting.

Avigail Beryozkin received a short travel grant from the Hebrew university to participate at ARVO meeting

Avigail Beryozkin received at the "Lev-Tziyon" fellowship for excellent students from the periphery

Samer Khateb received a 3-year grant from the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF)


Lina Zelinger received a prize for an excellent PhD thesis at the Hebrew University. 

Lina Zelinger received an excellent research PhD prize. 

Dror Sharon received a grant from the Foundation Fighting Blindness IFFB) as part of the Israeli Consortium for Inherited Retinal Diseases. 


Avigail Beryozkin received the Best lecture prize at the conference of the Israel ophthalmological society presented in Tel-Aviv, Israel. 



Lina Zelinger received the Best lecture prize at the ISVER meeting. 



Dikla Bandah-Rozenfeld received a prize for an excellent Master thesis at the Hebrew University. 

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